Privacy Policy Lintunen Consulting / Windium Oy


Gene­ral information

In order to ser­ve you to the best of our abi­li­ty, we col­lect and process some infor­ma­tion about you. Howe­ver, we value your pri­vacy and are com­mit­ted to pro­tec­ting it. This Pri­vacy Notice con­tains infor­ma­tion about what per­so­nal infor­ma­tion we col­lect, the principles on which we process it, and the rights and choices you have regar­ding your information.

Win­dium Ltd will process per­so­nal data about you in accor­dance with this Pri­vacy Policy and applicable law, so plea­se read this Pri­vacy Policy care­ful­ly. We may also upda­te this Pri­vacy Policy as our ope­ra­tions evol­ve or as legis­la­tion changes.

By using our ser­vices, our web­si­te or by con­tac­ting us, you agree that we process per­so­nal data about you in accor­dance with this Pri­vacy Policy. If you do not agree to the­se terms, we are unli­ke­ly to be able to ser­ve you either.

For what pur­po­se is my per­so­nal data col­lec­ted and processed?

We col­lect, sto­re and process per­so­nal data about you only for pre­de­fi­ned pur­po­ses. The main pur­po­ses are:

  • ful­fil our cont­rac­tual obli­ga­tions;
    to ful­fil legal obli­ga­tions and claims;
  • com­mu­nica­ting with cus­to­mers and res­pon­ding to requests for contact;
  • deve­lo­ping our business; 
  • and tar­ge­ting our ser­vices to you.

What per­so­nal data is col­lec­ted about me and from which sources?

We col­lect per­so­nal data about you main­ly from you when you con­tact us or use our ser­vices.

Typical­ly, we may recei­ve the fol­lowing infor­ma­tion direct­ly from you:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Pho­ne number
  • Address
  • Cus­to­mer-rela­ted infor­ma­tion, such as order history

On what basis is per­so­nal data processed?

We will ensu­re that we always have the law­ful basis for proces­sing your per­so­nal data. We may process your per­so­nal data on a num­ber of dif­fe­rent grounds. We process your data for the per­for­mance of a cont­ract and to ful­fil legal obli­ga­tions. We also process your per­so­nal data on the basis of our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in pro­vi­ding our ser­vices and con­duc­ting and deve­lo­ping our busi­ness. We may also process some per­so­nal data on the basis of your consent.

Who proces­ses my data and is it sha­red with third parties?

As a gene­ral rule, your per­so­nal data will be proces­sed by our emplo­yees in the cour­se of their duties. We may also out­source some proces­sing of per­so­nal data, such as the infor­ma­tion sys­tems used to sto­re and process per­so­nal data. In such cases, we will ensu­re that the con­fi­den­tia­li­ty of your data is main­tai­ned and that it is otherwi­se proces­sed in accor­dance with the law. We may also disclo­se infor­ma­tion otherwi­se to ful­fil cont­rac­tual obli­ga­tions or whe­re requi­red to do so by law or a com­pe­tent aut­ho­ri­ty. We may also disclo­se your infor­ma­tion if we are invol­ved in a com­pa­ny or busi­ness transaction.

Will my data be trans­fer­red out­si­de the EU?

To some extent, the subcont­rac­tors or ser­vers on which the data is proces­sed may be loca­ted out­si­de the EU/EEA. Otherwi­se, we do not regu­lar­ly trans­fer per­so­nal data out­si­de the EU/EEA.

We will ensu­re that your data is proces­sed, trans­fer­red and sto­red in accor­dance with the law and with adequa­te safeguards.

How long will my per­so­nal data be kept?

We will not retain your per­so­nal data for lon­ger than is neces­sa­ry for the pur­po­se for which it is used or as requi­red by cont­ract or law. Howe­ver, reten­tion periods may vary depen­ding on the pur­po­se of use and the circums­tances. We will also endea­vour to upda­te your infor­ma­tion from time to time.

How is my data sto­red and protected?

Your infor­ma­tion is sto­red on our ser­vice pro­vi­der’s ser­vers, which are pro­tec­ted in accor­dance with industry stan­dard prac­tices. The per­so­nal infor­ma­tion we col­lect and process is kept con­fi­den­tial and is not disclo­sed to any­one other than tho­se who need it for their work or on a con­fi­den­tial and limi­ted basis under ser­vice agree­ments with our cus­to­mers. Access to your per­so­nal data is pro­tec­ted by user-speci­fic IDs, passwords and access rights.

Obli­ga­tion to pro­vi­de infor­ma­tion and con­sequences of non-disclosure?

If you do not pro­vi­de per­so­nal data or allow it to be proces­sed, we are unli­ke­ly to be able to ser­ve you and ful­fil our pur­po­se. The­re­fo­re, if you do not want us to process your infor­ma­tion in accor­dance with this Pri­vacy Policy, we ask that you do not pro­vi­de us with any information.

Are coo­kies used on the web­si­te and what are they?

We use coo­kies on our web­si­te in order to pro­vi­de the best pos­sible user expe­rience for the visi­tor. Coo­kies are short text files that are sto­red by the web ser­ver on the user’s ter­mi­nal device. Coo­kies give us infor­ma­tion about how users use our web­si­te. We may use coo­kies to impro­ve our ser­vices and our web­si­te, to ana­ly­se the use of our web­si­te, and to tar­get and opti­mi­se our mar­ke­ting. Web­si­te users can give their con­sent or refuse the use of coo­kies through their web brow­ser set­tings. Most brow­sers auto­ma­tical­ly allow coo­kies. Plea­se note that bloc­king coo­kies may limit the func­tio­na­li­ty of our website.

What rights and influence do I have?

With­drawal of consent

If we process your data on the basis of your con­sent, you can with­draw your con­sent at any time by noti­fying us, for example by sen­ding an email to

Access to data

You have the right to obtain con­fir­ma­tion from us as to whet­her we are proces­sing per­so­nal data about you and to know what per­so­nal data we are proces­sing about you. You also have the right to recei­ve addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion on the grounds for proces­sing your per­so­nal data.

The right to have errors corrected

You have the right to request that we cor­rect any per­so­nal data concer­ning you that is inaccu­ra­te, out of date or otherwi­se incomplete.

The right to pro­hi­bit direct marketing

You can object to the proces­sing of your per­so­nal data for direct mar­ke­ting pur­po­ses by sen­ding an email to

Right to object to processing

Whe­re we process your per­so­nal data on the basis of our public inte­rest or legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests, you have the right to object to the proces­sing of per­so­nal data concer­ning you, unless the­re is an over­ri­ding rea­son for the proces­sing which over­ri­des your rights or the proces­sing is neces­sa­ry for the exerci­se of a legal claim. Plea­se note that in this situa­tion, we are unli­ke­ly to be able to ser­ve you any longer.

Right to restrict processing

In cer­tain circums­tances, you have the right to request that we restrict the proces­sing of your per­so­nal data.

Right to data portability

Whe­re we have proces­sed your data on the basis of your con­sent or for the per­for­mance of a cont­ract, you have the right to recei­ve the data you have pro­vi­ded to us elect­ro­nical­ly in a com­mon­ly used format.

How can I exerci­se my rights?

You can exerci­se your rights desc­ri­bed abo­ve by con­tac­ting us, for example by sen­ding an email to Plea­se inclu­de your name, address and telep­ho­ne num­ber and attach a copy of your pass­port, dri­ving licence or other form of iden­ti­fica­tion to enable us to veri­fy your iden­ti­ty. If you con­si­der that the proces­sing of your per­so­nal data is not law­ful, you can also lod­ge a complaint with the com­pe­tent super­vi­so­ry authority.

Can this pri­vacy policy be updated?

We may upda­te this Pri­vacy Policy as our ope­ra­tions or pri­vacy prac­tices chan­ge. Upda­tes may also beco­me rele­vant as legis­la­tion chan­ges. Chan­ges will take effect when we have publis­hed an upda­ted Pri­vacy Policy. We the­re­fo­re invi­te you to review the con­tents of this Pri­vacy Policy periodically.

Whe­re can I con­tact about data protection?

Con­tact information

Win­dium Oy (tra­ding as Lin­tu­nen Con­sul­ting)
Kei­la­ran­ta 1, 02150 Espoo
Data Pro­tec­tion Officer
Timo Lin­tu­nen

Soita 020 730 9555